The Goddess Of The Rigveda

I travel with the Rudras and the Vasus, with the Ādityas and All-Gods I wander.

I hold aloft both Varuṇa and Mitra, Indra and Agni, and the Pair of Aśvins.

I cherish and sustain high-swelling Soma, and Tvaṣṭar I support, Pūṣan, and Bhaga.

I load with wealth the zealous sacrificer who pours the juice and offers his oblation

I am the Queen, the gatherer-up of treasures, most thoughtful, first of those who merit worship.

Thus gods have established me in many places with many homes to enter and abide in.

Through me alone all eat the food that feeds them, – each man who sees, breathes, hears the word outspoken.

They know it not, yet I reside in the essence of the Universe. Hear, one and all, the truth as I declare it.

I, verily, myself announce and utter the word that gods and men alike shall welcome.

I make the man I love exceedingly mighty, make him nourished, a sage, and one who knows Brahman.

I bend the bow for Rudra, that his arrow may strike, and slay the hater of devotion.

I rouse and order battle for the people, I created Earth and Heaven and reside as their Inner Controller.

On the world’s summit I bring forth sky the Father: my home is in the waters, in the ocean as Mother.

Thence I pervade all existing creatures, as their Inner Supreme Self, and manifest them with my body.

I created all worlds at my will, without any higher being, and permeate and dwell within them.

The eternal and infinite consciousness is I, it is my greatness dwelling in everything.

-Devi Sukta, Rigveda 10.125.3-10.125.8


अहं रुद्रेभिर्वसुभिश्चराम्यहमादित्यैरुतविश्वदेवैः |

अहं मित्रावरुणोभा बिभर्म्यहमिन्द्राग्नीहमश्विनोभा || 

अहं सोममाहनसं बिभर्म्यहं तवष्टारमुतपूषणं भगम |

अहं दधामि दरविणं हविष्मतेसुप्राव्ये यजमानाय सुन्वते ||

अहं राष्ट्री संगमनी वसूनां चिकितुषी परथमायज्ञियानाम |

तां मा देवा वयदधुः पुरुत्राभूरिस्थात्रां भूर्यावेशयन्तीम ||

मया सो अन्नमत्ति यो विपश्यति यः पराणिति य ईंश्र्णोत्युक्तम |

अमन्तवो मां त उप कषियन्ति शरुधिश्रुत शरद्धिवं ते वदामि ||

अहमेव सवयमिदं वदामि जुष्टं देवेभिरुतमानुषेभिः | 

यं कामये तं-तमुग्रं कर्णोमि तम्ब्रह्माणं तं रषिं तं सुमेधाम ||

अहं रुद्राय धनुरा तनोमि बरह्मद्विषे शरवे हन्तवाु |

अहं जनाय समदं कर्णोम्यहं दयावाप्र्थिवी आविवेश ||

अहं सुवे पितरमस्य मूर्धन मम योनिरप्स्वन्तः समुद्रे |

ततो वि तिष्ठे भुवनानु विश्वोतामूं दयांवर्ष्मणोप सप्र्शामि ||

अहमेव वात इव पर वाम्यारभमाणा भुवनानि विश्वा |

परो दिवा पर एना पर्थिव्यैतावती महिना सं बभूव ||




ahaṃ rudrebhirvasubhiścarāmyahamādityairutaviśvadevaiḥ | 

ahaṃ mitrāvaruṇobhā bibharmyahamindrāghnīahamaśvinobhā || 

ahaṃ somamāhanasaṃ bibharmyahaṃ tvaṣṭāramutapūṣaṇaṃ bhagham | 

ahaṃ dadhāmi draviṇaṃ haviṣmatesuprāvye yajamānāya sunvate || 


ahaṃ rāṣṭrī saṃghamanī vasūnāṃ cikituṣī prathamāyajñiyānām |

tāṃ mā devā vyadadhuḥ purutrābhūristhātrāṃ bhūryāveśayantīm ||

mayā so annamatti yo vipaśyati yaḥ prāṇiti ya īṃśṛṇotyuktam |

amantavo māṃ ta upa kṣiyanti śrudhiśruta śraddhivaṃ te vadāmi ||

ahameva svayamidaṃ vadāmi juṣṭaṃ devebhirutamānuṣebhiḥ |

yaṃ kāmaye taṃ-tamughraṃ kṛṇomi tambrahmāṇaṃ taṃ ṛṣiṃ taṃ sumedhām ||

ahaṃ rudrāya dhanurā tanomi brahmadviṣe śarave hantavāu |

ahaṃ janāya samadaṃ kṛṇomyahaṃ dyāvāpṛthivī āviveśa ||

ahaṃ suve pitaramasya mūrdhan mama yonirapsvantaḥ samudre |

tato vi tiṣṭhe bhuvanānu viśvotāmūṃ dyāṃvarṣmaṇopa spṛśāmi ||

ahameva vāta iva pra vāmyārabhamāṇā bhuvanāni viśvā |

paro divā para enā pṛthivyaitāvatī mahinā saṃ babhūva ||


It is interesting to note that the Goddess is to be found in hymn 125, which is 53, given the Vedic habit of encrypting information into the vedas. I wonder if this is evidence for an earlier relationship between the Goddess and the number 5 than has been previously noted. See discussion on Venus, the Golden Ratio, and the Golden Pentagon for background.

Breaking Wave Overlaid with the Golden Spiral
Breaking Wave Overlaid with the Golden Spiral

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